Why Caca Stories

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to leave your story
at the Caca Blog!

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ood Question . . .

I'm  doing Caca Stories for a few reasons.  First, just for fun.  Just about everyone I've ever met had a Caca story once I told the great one about C. S. Lewis' dad.

Second, I've had this idea for maybe 20 years - and finally decided to do it.

And last, if I get a lot of great stories (along with some from famous folks), I 'll publish Caca Stories - and donate all proceeds to a non-profit or two.  

Now it's your turn.
If you've got a Caca story, send

it on - directly to the Caca blog or by e-mail.
Just use the links at the left.

w w w . c a c a s t o r i e s . c o m